Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Green Wave for Biodiversity in Baguio

Camp One, Tuba, Benguet

A ripple that's turning into a wave around the world has reached this mountain city. The Green Wave for Biodiversity aims to build a consciousness among young people on the loss of biodiversity that is taking place across the planet, and the need to take action to preserve Life on Earth.

soil painting

To observe and celebrate the International Day on Biodiversity last May 22, 2009, 20 youth and children of the Traditional Knowledge Network of Baguio city trooped to Camp 1, Tuba, Benguet with their tents, backpacks, and anticipation for the 2-day biodiversity camp.

Bamboo music

The campsite was a wilderness where the city-bred campers learned to identify plant varieties and their uses, insects and birds and their sounds. The young people learned respect for the earth and all forms of life through fun activities in arts, music, story-telling, exploration, cooking, and tree-planting. Lessons were many in biodiversity conservation, waste management, in traditional knowledge, and cooperation.

Amian Tauli facilitated the exploration and tree-planting activities. Marichu Ferguson led the soil painting workshop. Julius Daguitan, Maty Camfili and Ani Bungaoen led the bamboo music workshop. Rey Fangloy taught how to cook pinikpikan. Maty Camfili led the story-telling by the campfire. 

Here is the written evaluation of one of the campers: "Overall, I thought the workshop was fun and interesting. My expectations were all met and I learned a lot. I enjoyed playing bamboo instruments and painting with soil. I was happy that I was able to plant trees. I also learned a lot about caring for the environment and also about the different cultures in the Cordillera. I think the venue was just right. It was a place with many plants and insects which demonstrated the concept of biodiversity well. It was also good that it was away from the city because it made us experience being away from our parents and taking care of ourselves. Through this workshop, we also learned and applied the concept of cooperation. We got to know new people and even made friends. The workshop was fun. And I hope there will be another one like it: with more songs, stories, friends, fun, learning and of course, pinikpikan".#

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